ग्रेड 3 मूळव्याध म्हणजे काय ?
Dr. Abhijit Gotkhinde2024-10-17T18:03:23+05:30मुळव्याध हा एक सामान्य रोग असून जो अनियमित जीवनशैली, आहारातील बिघाड, आणि इतर अनेक
मुळव्याध हा एक सामान्य रोग असून जो अनियमित जीवनशैली, आहारातील बिघाड, आणि इतर अनेक
फ़िस्टुला आमतौर पर गुदा के पास के क्षेत्र में घाव/फोड़े के परिणामस्वरूप होते हैं।
मूळव्याध(Piles) पाइल्स (Piles) हा एक सर्वसामान्य आजार आहे जो कोणालाही होऊ शकतो. याला वैद्यकीय
Anus and lower rectal hemorrhoids are irritated and enlarged blood vessels that form piles.
Are you suffering from Haemorrhoids? If so, then keep reading. Here are five pointers
What to eat, what to avoid. That is a question that's often asked when
At present, huge people are suffering from Piles, Fissures, and Fistula. But, individuals get
Suffering from Piles or Haemorrhoids has been common among many persons in recent days.
Pilonidal Sinus, also known as Pilonidal cyst or Pilonidal abscess, or tunnel in the
An inguinal hernia refers to a part of the intestine or membrane that lines