Pilonidal Sinus, also known as Pilonidal cyst or Pilonidal abscess, or tunnel in the skin. This cyst gets generated over the tailbone, and mostly the cyst gets generated under the skin. The pilonidal Sinus is a tiny hole in the skin. These tunnels stay filled with fluid, and most of the time, it develops on the top of the buttocks.

These cysts primarily come with hair, debris, and dirt, and they can cause severe pain. It can also release foul odor and blood.

Causes of Pilonidal infection

People are still confused with the prime reason for the occurrence of Pilonidal Sinus. Well, the exact cause of developing this infection is still unknown. Many feel that changing hormone is the prime cause of Pilonidal Sinus. Persons during the puberty period can face this problem. Some activities like constant sitting can cause friction, and hair starts growing.

Signs of Infection

Most of the time, people may not have specific noticeable symptoms. People may feel a dimple type of depression. However, once the depression gets developed, it becomes a cyst. The signs that one can face with the Pilonidal gland are mentioned below.

  • You may feel constant pain sitting or even standing for a long time.
  • The cyst will get swelled.
  • Once the infection develops, the area becomes reddened, and you will feel the sore.
  • Sometimes it can cause a hole in the skin.

Surgical Treatment

It has been noticed that if the Pilonidal cyst worsens and creates a sinus cavity under the skin, the situation must get healed immediately. Doctors often suggest surgery to remove the cyst completely to treat this situation. Doctors primarily follow two surgical procedures –

1) Incision and Drainage

2) Cystectomy

In the first process, doctors will cut and drain the cyst. In the second process, doctors will remove the entire cyst and tissues.